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What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-05-28 01:16:12 (edited 2006-05-28 02:32:09)
Hmmm...I'll do one catergory at a time...and first...

Boss music

#10- One Winged Angel, FF7

#9- Kadaj (remix of jenova's FF7 boss theme) Advent Children

#8- Normal boss, FF10

#7- Final with Vegnagun, FF10-2

#6- Normal Boss, FF4

#5- Final with the Aeons, FF10

#4- Final with Seymour, FF10

#3- Dark King, Mystic Quest

#2- The 4 Fiends, FF4

#1- True Zeromus, FF4

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by sai on 2006-05-28 01:30:24
Mmh, i don't know what category these are... But this is all i like:
1. FFVII - Tatakau Monotachi Piano version (awesome piano play!)
2. FFVII - One Winged Angel (classic)
3. FFX-2 - 1000 words
4. FFVIII - Normal Battle theme

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-05-28 01:46:30
Hmm.. all the ones composed by Uematsu Nobuo are good>>

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by imppy on 2006-05-28 09:05:11
ONe-Winged Angel (downloading in progress...13 MB can you believe it?!)

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-05-28 09:09:33
1. fisherman's horizon - FF VIII
2. yuuna no ketsui - FF X
3. ituka owaru yume - FF X
4. zanarukando nite - FF X
5. force your way - FF VIII
6. waltz for the moon - FF VIII

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Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Bloodlust Angel Of Death Kel on 2006-05-28 19:46:27
FF X - Real Emotion

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Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Reena on 2006-05-28 21:33:55
I think Final Fantasy has really nice battle music; and the fact that they all have hints of similarity makes them go nicely on a playlist - sometimes you think it's 1 playing, but it's actually another.

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Inggo on 2006-05-28 23:20:07
Suteki da Ne and Real Emotion (Japanese version) ^_^

But I like the battle musics and the victory tune XD

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by rose on 2006-05-28 23:42:23
I love the victory tune also... And anyone who has seen FFVII Advent Children - THAT WAS SOOO FUNNY when they played the song. I was like what the... and they were all looking around like that too LOL

Ok... I also liked Real Emotion (I agree the japanese verion is MUCH better.. kinda like passion by Uteda is 100x better than the english)

IX flute intro
and X Hymn of the Faith

There is a world just around the corner of your mind, Where reality is an intruder and Dreams come true...

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by See ya! on 2006-05-29 15:12:07
OMG!!!! I can't remember the name *cries* Its from AC, #7, it's also in FFVII ummmm..... anyhoo! One Winged Angel, Clound Smiles, Black Water, Aerith's Theme, Tifa's Theme, the victory music (no idea what its called), 1000 words, Highway Chase (one of my absolute faves)(so is OWA). And thats it for now

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Hiro on 2006-05-30 08:00:47
My favourite FF song r

--> 1000 Words (FFX-2)
--> Real Emotion (FFX-2)
--> Calling (FFVII AC)
--> Eyes On Me (FFVIII)
--> Melodies Of Life (FFIX)

It's never over with baseball, no matter how many runs the lead is. Not until the last three outs. --> H2

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-05-30 22:13:41
FFVII AC ~most of the themes are nice and rock! Chase of Highway!
FFX2 ~1000words, real Emotion, and the main theme! Hikari to Nami no Kioku~ beautiful melody^__^


Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-05-31 07:45:47
It should be:
1)Zanarukando Nite-FFX
2)Force Your Way-FFVIII

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Mesousa_san on 2006-05-31 15:24:28
I dont know the name but:
Trance Kuja battle theme = FFIX

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Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by See ya! on 2006-06-01 15:22:23
OH!! And I like Real Emotion..... heh heh

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Chubster on 2006-06-01 17:27:14
I like all the music in FF:AC...and I like these songs as well...

Real Emotion - FFX-2
1000 Words - FFX-2
Suteki Da Ne - FFX
Ending Theme of FFX - I can't remember what it is called...
Trance Kuja battle theme - FFIX
Melodies of Life - FFIX
Garnett's/Dagger's Theme - FFIX
Eyes On Me - FFVIII
Tifa's theme piano - FFVII
Aerith's theme piano and the orchestrated version- FFVII
One Winged Angel - FFVII

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by on 2006-06-02 04:44:29
eyes on me (ff8)and one winged angel (ff7)

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by flamegod on 2006-06-02 04:51:55
1.One-Winged Angel(FFVII)
3.1000 words(Jap)(FFX-2)
4.Real Emotion(Jap)(FFX-2)
5.Vincent's Theme(FFVII)
6.Vincent's New Theme(FFVIIDOC = FFVII Dirge Of Ceberus)
7.Redemption By Gackt(FFVIIDOC's Ending Theme)

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2006-06-02 06:09:08
Those who fight(piano), calling, real emotion, jenova, locke's there, and ragnarok flying theme woot!

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: What are your favorite FF songs (any type)?
Link | by Nekorin on 2006-06-02 06:43:31 (edited 2006-06-02 07:02:53)
I love One Winged Angel. In contrast to the Sailor Moon songs I usually listen to, that song invokes a strong emotion. When I listen to it, I feel stronger. I don't know how to describe it beyond that, that song is very important to me. I bought the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack.

I also like Birth of a God, Reverse Sephiroth's battle theme from Final Fantasy VII, also from VII: ShinRa's theme, Still More Fighting (BOSS) J.E.N.O.V.A., Tifa's theme,Those chosen by the Planet (Sephiroth's theme)

VIII: Boss theme
Sorceress theme.
Liberi Fatali (Opening)
Sorceress battle

In the anime Final Fantasy: Unlimited, I like Over the FANTASY (Opening)
Vivid (1st ending)
Earl Tyrants theme, Makenshi's theme, Omega's theme, but most of all, the snd ending, Romancing Train.

Seymours theme
Final Battle with Seymour
(Seymour's my favorite character.)

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