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Top 3 Animes
Link | by abcdefg on 2006-05-25 08:03:35 (edited 2008-02-12 20:41:44)
What are the Top 3 Animes that you like?

2.Erementar Gerad

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Piper on 2006-05-25 09:43:41
My top 3 animes are:

1. Chrno Crusade
2. Samurai Deeper Kyo
3. Full Metal Panic!

It's the twenty-first century. It's the woman's time to save the day.

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-05-25 10:29:03
Kinda hard. 3? Just 3? Well, if I were to make a list, the top seat may well be shared among 10 animes or so. But I guess I'll try. 3, huh?
1. Cardcaptor Sakura : Must seen! Definitely!
2. Haibane Renmei : This is just beautiful. And it's only getting better 'til the last episode.
3. Eureka Seven : This is new, so I haven't watch it all the way. Recently up to eps 36 of 50 (so I heard). ~I'm on tight budget right now~

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by TrainHeartnet on 2006-05-25 10:42:20
1. Black Cat -> u must watch this!!!
2. Fate/ Stay Night
3. Gundam Seed/Destiny

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Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-05-25 10:46:16
but but but... i have yet to watch soo many animes~
anyways, right now, my top 3 wouLd probabLy be:
Furuba, EvangeLion, ELfen Lied
^in no particuLar order ^-^'

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by on 2006-05-25 11:01:24
In no order
Eureka 7(nice mecha anime,lots of pitying(I swear you'll feel sorry for renton in some of the episodes)lots of action
Suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu(WARNING:contains very little plot,not for plotless anime-haters)(very funny)
Azumanga daioh(WARNING:contains very little plot,not for plotless anime-haters)(very funny)

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Lilie on 2006-05-25 11:22:48
Hmm... There are lots of good ones, but I guess the top 3 would be this:

1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Saiyuki (Reload is better than the others..)
3. Bleach

Ugh, I really need to watch some more anime...

There\\\'s only one thing that changes anything.. And that\\\'s death.

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Suono on 2006-05-25 12:52:26 (edited 2006-05-25 12:52:51)
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Yu Yu Hakusho
3. Naruto/Heatguy J

Full Metal Alchemist is a science!
Newton's 2nd law:
Full=Metal*Alchemist (F=ma)

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Pepe-kun on 2006-05-25 14:25:59
Top 3 animes

3. Vision of Escaflowne
2. Fullmetal Alchemist

1. Neon Genesis Evangelion

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Eddie-18 on 2006-05-25 15:06:28
Hmmmm.......A.I no

1,Ranma 1/2

2,Street fighter alpha



Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Mech on 2006-05-25 15:19:46
That was a hard one but i think it will be like this.

1. Full Metal Panic!
2. Elfen Lied
3. Hellsing

I think it would look like this for me i'm not really sure.
There so much anime that i like so it feels wrong to put it on a top list like this.

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-25 15:24:49
My 'current' top 3-anime list would be...

1. Fullmetal Alchemist (this show, ROCKS!!)
2. Neon Genesis EVAngelion 8I
3. Full Metal Panic (FMP? Fumoffu) everyone's said, there's to much anime you love to only choose your top 3.


Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by firemiste on 2006-05-25 16:10:35
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. NAruto (not the fillers)
3. Soukyuu no Fafner.

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Bloodlust Angel Of Death Kel on 2006-05-25 18:42:56
1. Evangelion
2. Sailor Moon
3. Angel Sanctuary

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Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Magik on 2006-05-25 19:42:19
1. Honey & Clover
2. Full Moon wo Sagashite
3. Bleach/ Yakitate!! Japan

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Gerra on 2006-05-25 20:29:24
1) Bleach
2) FMA
3) Naruto

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Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Nara Shikamaru on 2006-05-25 20:38:31
1) Naruto
2) Full Metal Panic
3) Bleach

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Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by ayuconnected on 2006-05-25 22:54:15
2)fushigi yuugi

all three are some old animes...
but reli my childhood favourites.

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by randy on 2006-05-25 23:28:50
Top three anime: 1. Sunabouzu (Desert punk) 2. Peacemaker kurogane 3. Rurouni kenshin

Re: Top 3 Animes
Link | by YuE on 2006-05-26 00:51:57
2.Fate Stay Night

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