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Naruto Licensed
Link | by kirikus on 2005-02-22 06:15:47
Ah, heard from animesuki that naruto anime is going to be licensed and be shown on Cartoon Network. This is not nice...there are many narutards that are not in my bro and his friends....lucky i only read manga!
Questions: Are the anime that are shown on Cartoon Network have good dubbing? I heard from many people that it's bad....if so that's a pity.....

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-02-22 15:56:52
All their dubs are pretty decent/good. Remember, it's not Cartoon Network doing the dubbing, it's however licensed it.

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by anime freek on 2005-02-22 17:57:10
ya dubbing is bad cause its not the real voices. But if the young kids or people that cant read or see that there are letters at the bottom of there T.V's they well be asking them selfs "WTF?"
and people wont watch, and when no one watches it or when a low a mount of people watching it the show will be taken off the air. Its just our messed up ways of the good old U.S of A.

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by lordks on 2005-02-22 20:17:04
Well You dont have to worry about it.

Naruto is really popular so it will be Sub!!

And here in the USA they don Dub anime they rape it.

The other Day Ive seen FMA on the CTN and man they sound like they are reading...
They did a better Job on GITS:SAC.

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by Rose on 2005-02-23 09:03:24
Granted, Dubs aren't always the greatest, but they have gotten much better. Shopro works with Viz, and they did a perfectly fine job with Inu Yasha and Ranma 1/2, so you really don't have to worry that much. Besides, they have subtitles on their DVDs. Just be thankful that the bane to all anime (otherwise known as 4kids) did not get the license.

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by Din on 2005-02-24 07:37:19
Does anyone know who's licensed it?? ADV's been doing a horrible job lately, Pioneer/Geneon or whatever is pretty good, too. Or would Bandai be coolies??

Currently stuck on: Sakigake!! Cromartie High; Prince of Tennis; Kyou Kara Maou!

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by kirikus on 2005-02-25 01:56:05
uh, i think the company the will license naruto is ShoHo production. I don't know this company because i'm not in America and i don't watch english dubbed version. Just heard from the news from animenewsnetwork.

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by kirikus on 2005-02-25 01:57:37
spell the company's ShoPro

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by OkitaKun on 2005-02-25 22:37:24
its license is not the problem its the time it comes out on dvd, man it could be for five yr before it gets to where we r at.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by glacier_alchemy on 2005-02-26 23:27:52
either way, ShoPro, VIZ Video, it doesn't matter, it's the people who dubbed InuYasha, so Naruto shouldn't be too bad off. It'll air on Cartoon Network in the Fall 2K5, if my assumption is correct, I'll say VIZ bought maybe through the 2nd test of the Chuunin Exam...maybe...

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-03-01 20:25:24
Noooooo!!!! I dont wan't naruto to be licensed!!


Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by cowboybebop84 on 2005-03-01 21:17:21
No! It would suck if it got licensed to some gay kids show that have the same people doing the voices.

Do you like horny bunnies?

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by kirikus on 2005-03-02 03:28:33
But there are still some web that would upload bittorrent file of fansubbed naruto....*hint hint* if u happen to planned to download Gundam Seed Destiny that is fansubbed by a particular fansub group in it'll take you to their web where naruto is available.......

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by teferi on 2005-03-07 13:23:57
doesnt really matter that it got licensed cuz they only licensed the first season so far so the new stuff is still being subbed...u can still find it all over the place...

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by gloomy_ash on 2005-03-25 00:11:12
i was soooo disappointed to see naruto being licensed. and where i am...cartoon network wont show anime like that coz i'm not in america...*cries* oh well...there are still some sites to dl licensed anime...*phews*...

+.:GlOoMY aSH:.+

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by nukeman on 2005-10-18 23:50:27
ohhhhhhh nooooo not again

just nuke it

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-18 23:54:44
Naruto dubbed and liscenced...

I'll eat you.

Re: Naruto Licensed
Link | by Kuchiki Byakuya on 2005-10-21 18:13:49
nnnnnnooooooo!!!!!!!!how dare those fools! rasengan 4u!!!!!


We should not shed tears for that is a surrender of the body to the heart. It is only proof that we are beings that do not know what to do with our hearts.
dubbing hurts my ears. and im 13!

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