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Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by derickstoud on 2006-05-21 14:36:37
Me and my friends have been argueing over this question for awhile and since this site deals mostly in anime I figured it could help. Anyways there are two mains arguements that I have heard of for both sides. BTW for those of you who do not know what avatar is, it is a show drawn in an anime type style that appears on nickolodian and was created in america.

Not anime side: Since it was not made in japan it cannot officially count as an anime

Anime side: It was made in the proper style as and anime. Also since anime is short for animation then it counts.

Anyways tell me what you guys and gals think

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-21 14:46:06
LOL, I thought of this like a couple days ago or something, haha..

Well Anime is japanese cartoons, and amine (american cartoons, my term!!).

You can say Avatar: The Last Air Bender is part anime, but not completely, in my opinion this would've been a great idea, if it was made in Japan.

This same idea, was also about deciding if The Boondocks, could be part anime.... try other threads involving Adult Swim to read about that.


Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-05-21 14:48:14
i think it's not anime~
but, anyhoo.. for me, cartoons and anime are simiLar anyways ^^
cartoon [from my journ cLass] is derived from:
caricature: exaggerated description, generaLLy by sketching.
it is a pictoriaL representation of a person or thing
in which a defect or pecularity is exaggerated
so as to produce a ludricous effect
lampoon: a malicious piece of work

so, if the onLy difference between anime and cartoons are speLLing,
i say Avatar is not an anime~ ^^

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by on 2006-05-21 14:57:51
I don't think it's really considered anime. The fact that it's on nickeloden(sp?) makes it seem like it's not really anime. Lastly, I have a feeling that if you asked a real hardcore fan they would probably say no.

>Also since anime is short for animation then it counts.

Sort of.

From wikpedia:
The Japanese term for animation is アニメーション (animēshon, pronounced: /ɑnimeːʃon/), written in katakana. It is a direct transliteration and re-borrowed loanword of the English term "animation", though there exists a theory that the word comes from the French animé (animated, "ah nee MAY") or "les dessins animés" (animated drawings).

What it basically says is that the Japanese borrowed this term and made it their own using their own techniques and such.

So your post is sort of right...

You know, I really don't have a signature.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-21 14:58:08
Agree @Rin..

wait, if that was to be true, GENEON (USA) means that, that company was founded here in the US right? If so, would Samurai Champloo be not considered an anime, beause if the Geneon company was not made in Japan, would all of it's shows (Champloo, that's all I know), not be considered anime, even though Champloo is anime anyways.

Although, there are I think, two Geneon Companies since they put Geneon (USA). Just a thought...


Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by gendou on 2006-05-21 15:37:22
does NOT count by the definition for this site.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Suono on 2006-05-21 16:30:22
I don't think it is an Anime, but I am corious as to what the overall concensus of it is.... do you die hard anime fans like it? Is it too childish? Is it boring to you?

I think the show has massive potential, but it would probably have to leave nickelodeon to achieve it, as I feel it needs more action. I also feel that Prince Zuko (spelling?) and his uncle are great characters.

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Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by kittykat on 2006-05-21 17:01:02
when i think of anime i don't think of Avatar...although i still think the story is ok and the motions they make when bending are awesome ^^.
i really like Prince Zuko's sister as a kick-butt female character.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by on 2006-05-21 17:54:32
haha. i was thinking of this yesterday! it was sunday, and avatar's on every weekend. i totally love 'avatar'. i've watched it ever since it started. (@Suono) no, it's not childish to me. i'm still waiting for the next season. it's taking a while.

anyway, i didn't know it's from the US. to me, anime will always be made by the japanese. even if avatar was made in the US, was it made by americans? what if the staff was half japanese or something like that? i doubt the americans can do anime THAT good. i apologize to the americans here, i'm specifically talking about the producers of nick.

my answer to this thread is: Avatar is half Anime. until someone can prove to me that Avatar was created by pure westerners who don't have even 1/8 japanese blood in them, my answer shall remain as it is.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Bloodlust Angel Of Death Kel on 2006-05-22 02:36:19
I don't count it as anime and I don't think anyone should

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Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-05-22 03:02:24
It's not anime, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. It's a welldrawn-animation with a good storyline.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-05-22 03:12:53
I don't know... It IS made by amercans and some Chinese or Japanese I think... and in and this other site in the category of anime... Avatar is included O.O I don't really know...

but anyways~... I love avatar the animation is really good! especially the fighting scenes ^^

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-05-22 03:45:58
I don't think Avatar is an anime.. Even so, I like to watch it!

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Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by maj on 2006-05-22 08:08:41
going by all the information here this would mean that IGPX is NOT anime... when it clearly is.....

As for Avatar regardless of wether or not it's classified as anime it's quite a good anime, some of the battle scenes are the best i've seen in years, and i've been watching anime since i was 7. though i have to admit it gets childish sometimes but thats one of it's good qualities.

The recent introduction of the little earth bending girl was quite an intersting episode it really is the episode which hooked me in, the battles in the episode were all done cleanly and they didn't do any slide show battling, (Battles where no one moves instead they show slides of what occurs during the battle)the movements during battles are all diverse this is of course because the creator said that he previously studied multiple forms of martial arts in order to recreate acctual fighting styles into an anime... You hear that? studying fighting if you intend to put alot of it in your anime, thats right i'm directing an insult at every anime which poisons me with mediocre and repetitive fight scenes which make me want to slit my wrists open and squirt lemons on the wounds, i won't mention any names because my smart side knows theres at least 1 or 2 fans of the said animes i am directing my spite at.

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-22 08:12:30
ï¼ maj- true...*cough*dragon ball*cough*

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by maj on 2006-05-22 08:13:56
Oh my sweet ***** he said it! thank you **Cries with happiness** i thought no one would say it ***Tears of Udder Joy**

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-22 08:16:37
@maj- i dont care about dragon happy u feel the same way...i could care less if people hate me for saying it...

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by sai on 2006-05-22 08:23:54
Most people hate dragon ball now anyway...

anyway, is this "avatar" show made in japan? If not, then it's not anime (i don't know anything about this show...)

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by pinkrms on 2006-05-22 12:48:46
I'd say that Avatar is anime-style, like Teen Titans and such, but not actual anime. But that doesn't mean that it's bad; I personally love it. It's the first series that I've been engrossed over that's not anime. Though it has its childish moments, it has good battles, nice romance, and people can actually die, and not just the bad guys either. I also think Zuko shows good character development, especially with the recent episode concerning his past.

過去に心の傷を持たないヤツなどいやしない。そんなヤツがいたら そいつは薄っぺらなヤツだ。

Re: Does the show "Avatar" count as an anime
Link | by Suono on 2006-05-22 12:57:30
I agree about the episode with the little earth-bending girl was a great episode. I thinks, as I said early, that Avatar has alot of potential, and that episode gave me hope that it is finally realizing it.

Another question: IGPX and Samurai Jack (Though it was wrongfully cancled), ar they animes?

P.S. anyone know of any place where I can BITTORRENT any "Avatar" episodes?

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