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who likes naruto?
Link | by Zero on 2004-04-15 07:38:43
ilike it it just i havent watch enough of it to figure out whats going on.

Zero rules, Iori rules, and riot Iori Rules

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by Zero on 2004-04-16 06:58:05
well today I watch another episode of naruto is were gaara turns demon. Oh and i read the manga.

Zero rules, Iori rules, and riot Iori Rules

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by KyubiNarutoX on 2004-04-25 12:09:14
naruto is the best anime ever it is my favorite anime of all time ever i think it is the best anime and will always stay the best anime i have seen to episode 80 which is the newest episode that has been subbed i havnt read the manga yet but i will start soon so all of you peeps out there go and watch this anime cause its the best go to to download it and many other great anime!!! go now!!! or parish in the flames of hell!!! *laughs evily as his voice fades into the distance*
p.s. i hate american subs they blow the only good subs are the ones done by the ocean group, vancouver inc. and the guys who did trigun!!!

OMG Gendou you are so lucky to be in japan i love japan let me live with you and your host parents PLZZZ!!!???!!!

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by gendou on 2004-04-25 17:06:26
dude, KyubiNarutoX, dont type in all caps. thats such bad internet manners. i took the liberty of lower-casing your post for you with a single SQL command:
update entries set body = lower(body) where id = 1110

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by knoxinator on 2004-04-26 18:05:29
Naruto is one interesting anime and manga. I keep updated on it weekly, it's that good. The only other anime I do that with is FMA, which is also great. Anyway, Naruto is interesting in that it's from the same vein as animes like DBZ, Pokemon, and Inu Yasha, except that it's actually GOOD.
Naruto has great characters, with one of the coolest main characters of all time, a great setting, and a superb plot that constantly consistently twists on itself like a snake making pretzels of itself. I just wish the anime would catch up to the manga quicker, though it is gaining a lot of ground, considering.
Oh, and the music from the show is one of my favs. I listen to it all the time, especially the opening and closing themes.

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by kami on 2004-04-28 03:31:57
I have to admit that one of the things I don't quite like about Naruto is that the plot just goes at such an incredibly slow pace, almost as slow as DBZ. Nevertheless the plot overall is quite nice and it's interesting how the characters' different pasts have such a great influence on the story.
I also really like the theme songs. They're really great, and aside from the first opening theme, I like them all.

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by KyubiNarutoX on 2004-04-29 08:00:07
sorry gendou i get excited easily especially about naruto anyway...DBZ has no plot what are you talking about...oh and i agree the music is totally kick ass i download it and listen to it over and over gendou you need to get all of the songs from naruto especially the newest starting and ending themes plz!

p.s. internet manners wtf lol talking in all caps for me is when i am really excited not like im screeming at people and stuff so whatever it dont matter i just telling ya that its not like im going mental and yelling anyway...

OMG Gendou you are so lucky to be in japan i love japan let me live with you and your host parents PLZZZ!!!???!!!

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by OniNoAisu on 2004-05-01 20:10:52
personally i strongly dislike those who type all in caps.
Comparing Naruto to DBZ is like comparing Filet Minon'(spl?)(Naruto) and crap (DBZ). One is obviously better than the other for various reasons. Such as:
A) Better Storyline and character development
B) Much, much better music
C) Interesting characters
D) Everyone likes ramen and i mean EVERYONE!
I also hope that Naruto is never brought to the US because when anime is Americanized, it becomes a regular children's cartoon. They also change the original dialogue so that Americans can understand the complexity of Japanese word play.
In my opinion Naruto should be left only to the Japanese and Otakus.

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by KyubiNarutoX on 2004-05-04 07:29:17
I think if it ever was brought oer to north america that is should only be touched by the guys who did trigun or The Ocean Group they are both really good companies and i think that they would do the series justice well compaired to those other crap ass companies that make all anime in to shitty ass child cartoons (hates them so much damn they ruined shaman king so much! WHY!?) anyway yeah i think they would do pretty well if they were to do it, well for me i would rather just learn japanese and watch them in RAW then ever have them come over to north america and be butchered by those moronic retarded hillbilly hicks! (not all americans just the morons who do the shitty translations)!!!
P.S. pardon my french

OMG Gendou you are so lucky to be in japan i love japan let me live with you and your host parents PLZZZ!!!???!!!

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by jyounetsu on 2004-06-15 00:43:00
The series are shown here, but its not yet finished. It got started all over again, maybe, because the company havent really bought all the episodes. The series is really good and i really like aburame shino. He's really good with those ants. wish i could be like him...i could steal money from anyone i wish (evil laughter).
However, i already read the episode guide, which is really a spoiler. I guess i shouldnt do that again.
Long live the hyuga clan...

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by phant0mh0b0 on 2004-06-21 02:32:57
Unfortuantely it's beyond the point of only being kept to otakus, and it's so true, that Naruto would get butchered into something you see on KidsWB.
As for my opinion on Naruto, I think it's a great series. It's not so serious that it's intense to watch a conversation take place, but it's not so comedy'd that it's a anime based on jokes. It actually balances it out nicely, and still manages to have a deep story line, with characters with deeper backgrounds.
Simply put, me likey =P

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by ChaosKaiser on 2004-06-21 22:39:52
naruto is an absolutely cool show. everthing bout it is jus so cool.. especially uchiha itachi.... man he rulzz... Lets jus hope the series gets subbed in good hands.

If practice makes perfect and no one is perfect... then, Why do we practice? ^ ^ <(=';'=)>

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by miroku on 2004-06-26 09:30:48
My freind downloaded a few episodes when it first came out and i was hesitant to watch then so i put it of for about six months but them the bordom of summer vaction set in and i caved, and from that instant i was hooked

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by GaaraGuy on 2004-06-27 18:12:24
Gaara ish the man and totally kicks ass, am i right?

Erik Elskamp

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by eriol-kun on 2004-07-30 08:25:55
i like naruto very much. i'm a newbie aorund here... yep, but i very much want to say that i love the series and the guys in it. ^^ especially sasuke-kun...

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by Indy on 2004-07-31 14:43:32
naruto rocks, i dont care what anybody else says! oh yeah, im a newb so i might seem a little dumb...

Anime is life.

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by l1l5n0wfa1ry on 2004-08-11 20:18:10
I luv naruto. Itz an awesum anime, itz funny + lotz o' action. luv it. I luv nedng w/ ninjas

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by shiroihikari on 2004-08-12 13:53:18
I LOVE Naruto so much! I bought the first manga, and was immiedately hooked, so now I download fansubbed manga every week. My fave characters are Kakashi and Itachi.
I also agree that Naruto should never be brought to the US, unless under a company that does anime for older audiances, like the people who did Trigun, Wolf's Rain, and Cowboy Bebop. I would die if it was turned into something like Yu-Gi-Oh! or Shaman King on Fox or WBKids.
*Shiroi Hikari*

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by ian on 2004-08-12 18:17:52
hey guys! you should drop by my site, i lovbve narito too!!!!

I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking good either.

Re: who likes naruto?
Link | by Bernz on 2004-12-23 19:36:12
Well I do. It's interesting how he summons the frog.

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