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Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by KLiC_015 on 2006-05-18 21:47:37
Just a random question...if you ask me, Chieko Kawabe.

"Everyone is an idiot but me"- KLiC_015

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by neko on 2006-05-19 01:00:32
yup~ Chieko Kawabe

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-19 01:05:44
....i pick chieko kawabe.....

....i feel like slapping the crap out of hillary duff...

...shes too damn annoying...

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-05-19 05:52:35

Actually..this mean nothing at all to me--!! I like singers so practically it doesn't matter who they are as long as I like their song~!

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Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by sai on 2006-05-19 06:40:17
What's... the connection?
Chieko Kawabe is the singer of "Be Your Girl" right? If yes then i'll pick chieko, if not then... still chieko.^^

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-19 09:11:17
Hilary Duff against Chieko Kawabe? WTF!! lol. Is chieko Kawabe a kid also, like Hilary Duff, lol, this is a completely random battle of the singers, lol! hummm, I hate hilary duff, and her music, and her type of music...Chieko Kawabe for sure.

*hands Itachi a BIG GLOVE to slap Hilary Duff, ^_^*


Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Sasuke on 2006-05-19 21:44:57
I can't stand Hilary Duff... so annoying and lame.
Chieko on the other hand is cute and sings awesome :))

Where there's smoke there's fire.

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by modhechan on 2006-05-20 03:12:04
chieko kawabe

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Chubster on 2006-05-22 19:12:09
I would say Chieko Kawabe...I don't like Hilary Duff...

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-05-22 19:20:28
CHIEKO KAWABE~! hahaha I love her songs! especially quiet riot! ooohhh... enjoy! chieko! chieko!

(((quiet riot I think is in the anime Otogizoushi... no one requested it yet so this song is not yet in gendou ^^)))

*insert epic picture here*

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Yuna Ito on 2006-05-23 08:19:20
Japanese Artists > American Artists.

Go Cheiko!

Besides, Hillary is so fake... I like it when an artist stays true to theirselves.

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Shinjimon on 2006-05-23 08:25:37
chieko kawabe, definetly

I'm not running away from the bet... It's just.. I'll stick with the 100px regulation... so for now, this is mine ~_~"

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by sai on 2006-05-24 06:52:25
Wow, hillary duff haven't got even one vote...

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Sakura on 2006-05-24 15:31:09
.. >> I hate Hilary Duff so much.

DDD I LOVE Chieko Kawabe's voice! ^^ She did Ouran , right?

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by diana© on 2006-05-25 06:41:47
Chieko Kawabe of course! I loved her songs in Otogizoushi.

Hilary Duff? Who IS Hilary Duff? *innocent look* Lol, I don't like her... But I don't hate her either. Basically, she just exists and I don't care at all ^^

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by Lady Maia on 2006-05-25 06:51:10
@Sakura: yeah... she did...


*insert epic picture here*

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-05-27 19:13:54
Yeah it is definitely Chieko Kawabe^^

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by lea-chan on 2006-06-12 02:29:58
Chieko Kawabe is better...
I don't like Hillary Duff... she should stick to acting...

Dogs are cute!

Re: Chieko Kawabe or Hillary Duff?
Link | by hotarumyst on 2006-06-12 10:29:41
I agree with lea-chan.

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