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Sousei no Aquarion: Song name?
Link | by Decado2 on 2006-05-15 20:49:36
Does anyone know what the name of the song that plays when the 3 ships combine into one big mecha? A girl is singing and it sorta sounds like metal.


Re: Sousei no Aquarion: Song name?
Link | by i_to on 2006-05-20 04:49:09
I have both OSTs and the only music that kinda sounds a bit heavy metal/hard rock is the begining of "Track 4 - Macho Battle (4:16)" from the first original sound track. It starts with a headbanging e-guitar intro but leads into a techno synth and beat with Gabriela Robin chanting. Very New Age.
It's not on here but you could Submit Request it and I might be able to upload it for you. It's 5.86MB @192kbps.

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