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Rule 11 in the submitting requests
Link | by aila on 2004-04-14 22:41:27
Rule 11 in the set rules to submit song requests states:
11. The following anime titles are not allowed (copyright issues): Kenshin (Samuria X), Inu Yasha, Pokemon, Digimon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, Dragonball
now, why is that?if anyone knows why im sure im not the only one wondering.
are there spacific reasons? and if so, what?
as a listener im interested in knowing as i really would apreciate being able to hear songs from InuYasha and Kenshin and such.
at very least it would be a interesting to find about, no?
let us solve this (possibily already solved) mystery! why is it we cannot request music from shows such as those listed in rule 11?

Moo. Yes, Moo Indeed.

Re: Rule 11 in the submitting requests
Link | by gendou on 2004-04-15 18:52:23
it says right there: copyright issues.
those are popular LICENSED anime. the key word is LICENSED. meaning LICENSED in the USA.
true, right now im in japan, but people dont file frivolous law suits over here. back in the states, if i put up that music, there is a possibility they will want to sue me for copyright infringement.
quit wining about it!

Re: Rule 11 in the submitting requests
Link | by RUZ on 2004-04-15 21:48:31
hahaha lots of angry post eh gendou. starting to piss me off cuz i come here evryday to get updated and there stupid SH|T like this as the newest post. waisting my presouis time.

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Rule 11 in the submitting requests
Link | by on 2004-05-07 15:42:20
And you, my friend, are a moron.
Hehe, now I have the Asshole Crown! Hehe, Gendou, bow!
Now Im going to go into a corner and cry.
What, you thought I was going to be proud of it?


"Everything you ever loved will be altered or destroyed"

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