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what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by kyouji on 2006-05-13 00:23:26 (edited 2007-02-27 21:44:11)
I like jam project a lot, their songs are always full of energy. I think that their best songs are:

Toki o Koete
Kaze ni Nare

hehe...GO GO RESCUE! anyone?

kakugo wa ii ka!? iza shoubu!!

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by J on 2006-05-13 01:00:43
I only listen to 3 songs by them so far, cannot say much for the rest. But I like Kaze ni nare best so far because I like Rica Matsumoto's voice a lot.

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by aaa~chu on 2006-05-13 01:56:06
In The Chaos
Kaze ni Nare

I love these songs! ^^

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by kyouji on 2006-05-13 06:10:36
What about their lead singer Kageyama Hironobu? hehe... he's one damn good singer. Some members of Jam Project were solo singers right? I remember Kageyama Hironobu singing the opening theme for changeman, maskman and jetman, heck he also sang Cha La Head Cha La from dragonball Z right? and also Masaki Endoh, he sang Abaranger. Sentai rules! \m/

kakugo wa ii ka!? iza shoubu!!

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by kanzaki on 2006-05-14 12:29:49
Mirai he Houkou
Meikyuu no Prisoner
Neppu! Shippu! PSYBUSTER

and so on.

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by kyouji on 2006-05-16 07:05:16
anyone watching ex-driver here? what do you think of the anime?

kakugo wa ii ka!? iza shoubu!!

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by on 2006-05-17 08:55:07
ex-driver..... i saw it in animax and watch few episode of it...
well it's quite amazing because they catching cars that have a short circuit etc....
anyway my fav. jam project song is
1.little wing the chaos

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-07-22 02:23:07
Gates of Hell
Fire Wars

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by bill on 2006-07-24 21:04:01
little wing

by the way, have you been to their website?
Check out that photo of Masaaki Endou (the guy to the left) in the op picture. Not to diss, but man that is trippy. He gave my coworker a good laugh. LOL

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by yasuhiko on 2006-09-10 12:33:20
soul taker song

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Rui on 2006-09-11 05:38:04
I have heard three songs of JAM Project so far, and I like all of them. I'm starting to become a fan. ^^

These are the songs I have heard so far:

Genkai Battle
Crush Gear Fight!
Meikyuu no Prisoner

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by H on 2006-09-20 09:07:21
I'm a die-hard fan of JAM Project and of course I like all of their songs XD
These are my top 3...
-Soul Gravion

Kageyama Hironobu banzai!

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by on 2006-09-20 14:27:07
Gong all the way! SRWs forever!

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Bear on 2006-11-18 07:42:31
For the record JAM never did Time to Come, that was Masako Iwanaga.

As for Best JAM, i dled their Best Vol 4 and found the non-anime Olympia to be absolutley amazing.

So my faves:

Olympia - Original
Forever & Ever - SRW A2
Skill - SRW A2
Voyager - Panda Z
Fire Wars - Mazinkaiser

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by on 2006-11-19 19:14:52 (edited 2006-11-19 19:15:59)
My JAM Project fave songs :

Skill (SRT Alpha 2 OP)
GONG (SRT Alpha 3 OP)
Break Out! (SRTOG : Divine Wars OP)
Soul Taker (Soul Taker OP)
Meikyuu no Prisoner (SRTOG OVA OP)
Hagane No Messiah (SRT Alpha Gaiden OP)
Mazin Kenzan !! (Mazinkaiser VS Ankoku Daishogun OP)
Neppu ! Shippu ! Cybuster !! (Cybuster Theme)

@Mahnx : z0mg ! Ten No Zeorymer !! O.O

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Chu-sama on 2007-03-04 22:52:23 (edited 2007-03-08 18:48:05)
SKILL! Hands down. It's the greatest J-rock song in the whole world. And I'm just miserable that I can't get it anywhere (Not really. o: But if anyone was sweet enough to tell me what epic quest I must embark on to get it...:3 )

"Heh heh...What fools these mortals be..." - Fuma Kotaro

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by zekey on 2007-03-10 00:47:02
Best songs i've heard from them are the openings of the Gravion series XD.
- Nageki no Rosario
- Kurenai no Kiba

»--§ ύ Ĵ ύ × Ĝ ŕ ă ν ï ŧ ŷ--«

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Rarus on 2007-03-18 09:47:06
Jam Project? Ahh....
Being a huge super robot fan, I can't get enough of them! My faves are,
-Fire Wars(Mazinkaiser)
-Getter Robo STORM(???)
-Mazin Kenzan(Mazinkaiser Vs. Ankou Daishogun)
-Getter Robo HEATS(Getter Robo Armageddon)
-Neppu! Shippu! Cybuster!(Cybuster)
*sigh* I've been searching for the latter three for months to no avail.

Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by on 2007-03-19 21:12:54
I just love em pretty much all...

Favs are all from the SRW series...
And SOUL Taker...


Re: what is the best song made by jam project?
Link | by Chu-sama on 2007-03-26 15:51:06 (edited 2007-03-27 14:18:36)
<.< No fair. You know where to get SKILL, and you're not telling me. *pout* They don't have it at Galbadia, so I'm stumped...
Good news, everyone!! I finally found the file for it, so I'm gonna shut up about it now XD

"Heh heh...What fools these mortals be..." - Fuma Kotaro

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