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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-20 21:01:11
hmm...good point,but Naruto is a good anime so many people would like it not to mention a few my friends here like it as well^^

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-20 23:05:25
i still need antivirus coz i still want to download stuff
yeh gankutsuou graphic is like 'batu marmar' shiny
muehehehe only done 16 episode(thanks 4 d slow downloading argghhh)
huhu count of monte cristo had make his move destroying everybody,revenge!!!muehehehehe
i think i'll enter the nibong tebal campus since i got eng course..kej sumber mineral...
surat x dpt lagi!!
yeah im aware about the thief...
tgk keadaan la...laptop @ pc hurmmmmm

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-20 23:40:08 (edited 2006-06-21 00:21:42)

hmmm, if ur budget around RM 3000, ur can get a very nice pc, super fast with 1GB of ram >< RM 2200 cpu + RM 800 lcd monitor^^
btw, the price of a pc is decline significantly bcos of the arriving of intel next generation prossesor, conroe. only low yat plaza sell cheap pc and laptop.
well RM 3000 laptop is still cikai and slow.

look at ur hostel later b4 you decide to buy a laptop or a pc.

many of my friend (especially the girls) regret buying a laptop cos its slow >< i hate it though when they ask me to repair their laptop >< slow laptop makes my work harder.

about naruto... i hate the filler >< the filler is kinda... boring
gonna watch it back after the filler is over.

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-20 23:55:33

kalau kaya beli le laptop RM10,000-RM12,000 a.k.a AVIO sony nyer...hahaha..oh so nice if it got stolen...

Budget? PC laa. you can Kowtim what? Go to Low yat..err..where do you live?

yeah..usually girl dont know anything about com. stuff.. pakai laptop pentium mmx install windoe xp SP2..memang le lembab..pakai lg norton antivirus.. bertambah la lembab nyer..nak buka micr. word cam nak install half life 2 punyer game..warghhh..kakakakah..


1GB ram berapa skang ha?..last time PC fair I remember RM278..same like last year..waiting for loan la..(>.<)

oh..about fate game...@#$@$#..japan..useless save file..only got ending, but don't understand least have extra features..and full metal combat..yeah its from full metal panic but not novel type..maybe card play or jan ken pan..(paper-scissor-rock)..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 00:10:45 (edited 2006-06-21 00:20:18)
what ram did you want? ddr400 is a bit ex rite now ><
well using 2x512mb running in dual channel is a lot faster than using 1 stick of 1G of ram.
ddr 400 512mb is around RM 170 and ddr 400 1G is around Rm 340. the price is same though^^ this price is for corsair value ram.
btw, i'm using amd athlon 3200++(939) so i can only use ddr 400 ram^^

wait for the english translation later^^ for fate/stay night

that why i hate repairing a laptop. pentium mmx with 256mb ram installing window xp >< even turtle is faster.

well if you dun mind. i'm gladly to help, if you gonna buy a pc at lowyat^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-21 00:39:22
well i live in manjung perak...pekan yg sedang membangun....even dah dpt taraf bandar...for me it still pekan..
yeah i bet u right!! girl bodo sket pasl com ni including me hahahaha
i know nothing except using the basic one like words bla bla,on internat,download..tu je rasenye yg aku taupsl dlm2 tu...xtau, errrr i dun even know what is ram....muehehehehhehe
aku br tau nak burn cd taun lepas
my brother="bodo,burn cd pon xtau ke?"
!@#$%^&**&^%$#@ he really pissed me
i live in hostel since im 13 year old..
so mane ade mase nak 'geledah' psl com
and he's the other way round know nothing except com,fail in all paper!!
about the com thing i think i'll disscuss with my parent,IF they want to buy me one...i'll beg for it (since i obtain good result in m3x)muehehehehehehe

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-21 00:44:17

yeah still ddr400.I'm using athlon 3000 (939)but my motherboard only support AGP (huhuhu..nowaday its rare to see this kind of graphic card..) ..there are 4 slots for RAM (dual channel support)..right now using 2x256mb..Like I say I saw 1Gb ram about RM278(may be mistake, but im sure its ddr400)..can i add another two 512mb ram? so will it be 2x256mb 2x512mb= 512mb 1gb= 1.5gb? :p

Oh about full metal combat game..this is cool..its really card battle game..even I didnt understand the rules at the first, i manage to play it..and its was fun..but not win yet..wonder what happen if i win..(*_*)

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 01:04:09 (edited 2006-06-21 01:16:56)

well u cannot use 256x2 and 1 stick of 1G in the same time.
or else it could be the same fate as my pc^^
mine 512 + 256. run in single channel of course. diff size of ram cannot run dual channel.
when i run a game, like dota, a few minutes later its crash^^
you can add 256x2, 512x2 or 1Gx2, and 1 more thing, after you run a dual channel you cannot put another ram with different size or else ur pc become unstable in short cannot boot.
the best way to use all ur ram slot are 4x256, 4x512 or 4x1G. remember to use all same brand. if one ram is corsair then other ram also must be corsair^^

haha, if you manage to win then tell me what will happen^^


learing about com is easy actually^^ i've only learn about it 2 years ago after SPM. before SPM, i dun know anything about windows or anime^^ i've learn a lot while staying in hostel^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-21 01:16:35
Thanks, just to make you mean i can't double dual channel like 2x256 2x512...o.k got what the hell this 2 slots for..nvrmind
I think better buy new computer la..nowadays no more AGP graphic card (T.T)...I think the difference of performance is small if I just change the ram..don't you think so... better get PCI express..or wait till AMD athlon support DDR2...damn it, why i don't work during this break sem..such a waste....or maybe I just sell this PC to akuro...haha..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 01:25:08 (edited 2006-06-21 01:28:52)

haha just ditch ur 256 and get 4x512.
is ur amd athlon64 3000++ venice core? if so then ur lucky^^ just buy new pci-e motherboard make sure its DFI. and get nvidia 7300GT with 128mb DDR3. this card got more power than my 6600GT. damn, i buy it too early ><
venice core is so good at overclock^^ 1.8G can easily overclock to 2.5G with decent cooling^^
mine got prob to overclock cos of my ram. after i change it to 2x512 then i start my overclock.

AM2 socket with DDR2 is not worth buying rite now. DD2 can add only 10% of the whole performance if you compare with 939. furthermore its a bit ex. just wait a bit. after intel release its conroe processor, amd will cut its processor price 50% for single core and 40% for dual core^^

wanna buy dual core processor next year^^ saving2

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-21 01:34:17 (edited 2006-06-21 01:36:57)
Wow....hear that really make me happy...*check the wallet* RM2...may be, it just a dream... hey kuro..why won't you just buy pc from me...(just kiddin)..
oh and here some preview of that game..and you are that company game atelier..hahaha..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 01:41:47 (edited 2006-06-21 01:43:58)
well the CG slide is not that bad for fan made game^^
really wanna play it though^^ hehe
tell me if you manage to win a card match, what ur got^^

really curious about CG mode^^

haha i dun remember when i make that game >< hmmm

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-21 01:45:13

I have want me post it?....

haha..just kiddin..I don't wanna to be banned..O.K time for playing the game....and keep winning..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 01:46:20 (edited 2006-06-21 02:45:21)
haha i know, better i dload it and check it out myself^^

edited: already found it but no seed >< still searching another torrent
haha found it^^ only 100mb not that bad >:D

arcshiki, better you scale down that pic. it's too big

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-21 02:19:33
hey do you guys read manga online @ download manga??
where do you usually get it??

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-21 02:21:12
Hmm... I wonder what other anime shown at the television. Anyone has MiTV? I heard it's a Korean Pay TV. I was wondering if they do show new animes like Animax at Astro.

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-21 02:36:23
MiTV??never heard of that...
neway if it's a korea pay TV why is it here???
animax on astro??
i only know animax in channel @15 astro.and it's not a complete one and it sucks no subtitle and english dubbed so horrible....

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 02:37:44 (edited 2006-06-21 02:38:53)

yup, sometimes i read manga online at

famous manga like naruto and bleach, u can dload the latest chapter via torrent.


i dun watch anime at television. dload got better quality^^ MiTV? does Astro now support korean channel? dunno about it though.

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-21 02:57:03
do i need to register @ pay to read it??
uhh i dont like it...

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-21 03:01:44 (edited 2006-06-21 03:03:16)
its free^^ just need to register

by set-chan

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