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the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-09 19:50:03
for me~ i drank soya sauce before... not dipped or hav a sip~ i tot it was coke so i jus drink it (with straw lol~)
my cousinsm, they tried to make fun of me~ so they poured away my coke while i were in the toilet, and replace my drink with soya sauce... i remember myself puke~ vormit in the toilet... hah

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unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by YoYotheCananbalisticOreo on 2006-05-09 19:54:30
uhm...thats not THAT gross... i ate a scoop of wasabi cause i thought it was green tea...that wasnt too pleasant! worst eating...i ate worms in my pasta before, that was bad meat, like steak, that was like a week old and i thought it was like 1 day old.... through up bad.

I could give no less because I could give no more. ~myself

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by gendou on 2006-05-09 19:54:38
myself, i once ate natto. enough said.

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-09 19:57:51
wot?? worms?? tasty?? well u should try the reality show -- fear factor!! lol~
gendou > wot is natto aniwae??

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unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by YoYotheCananbalisticOreo on 2006-05-09 22:44:04
natto is fermented soy beans...i googled it.
yeah the pasta had grubs in it and i cooked it anyways without knowing until my mom asked why there was little shrimp in it...yeah, mom wasnt too happy, but i was, free meat!
something really bad has been some stinky tofu-like . it was a taiwainese dish is all i know, tasted and stank hella lot.

I could give no less because I could give no more. ~myself

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by on 2006-05-09 23:58:10
*sigh* I once had scrambled egg whites and topped it off with worcestershire sauce. I put slices of cheese on top of that and put it in the microwave so it could melt.


Yeah, that was the worst thing I've ever eaten. Heck, I was 10 at the time, so of course I know better now. :P

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-05-10 00:04:15
Umm... everything except the part about 'whites' sounds good :D

The worst things I've ever had were my own creations! *sighs* oh, the good old days when I thought I knew how to cook pancakes the hard way... I used baking soda instead of baking powder. That turned out.. funky.

Another thing I used to do was make something intentionally bad. I mixed all sorts of odd ingredients together in a drink and drank it. Hmm... lemon juice, rum flavoring, tobasco, salt, cheyenne pepper (... I never could tell why that was 'hot'... I've never detected a hellstrong flavor from it)... OH! and to top it all off... pickle brine.

I drank that and became dizzy for a split second.

Foods I hate, just to list things I've had I really hate... eggplant, zucchini, asparagus

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by on 2006-05-10 00:31:56
wasabi >> it was the first time i ate japanese foods so i wasnt familiar with the stuffs. I mixed wasabi with the
soy sauce (too much wasabi it tastes awful) and then dipped the maki. It was horrible i wanted to throw up.

Nice ava, Riceboks!

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-10 00:50:56
i dont like vegetables....

..they taste horrible

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by yuu_voltz on 2006-05-10 02:27:03
MELON!!! I hate melon soooo much... I dont know why... but I don't even like the sight of it...

Maybe because I had a terible memory about melon... I was forced to eat melon when I was really small, and I was allready disliking it since the beginning, back then...

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-10 03:11:21
Greek and Indian food.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink

【2ちゃんねる】ョ´Д`)≡ヽ( ´∀`)ノワショーィ♪
人間の思考(●´艸`)○○狂想曲゚【-im a bleep FREAK-】

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by sai on 2006-05-10 07:05:33
Raw leaves... And most vegetables... But i can eat salad as long as it has thousand island on it...

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by dancing_gir_rpg on 2006-05-10 09:58:29
o type blood... mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!

and koolaid flavored brownies!!!(with tooth paste frosting)

yeah...I lost a bet...

those familiar...are those my sisters!?

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by on 2006-05-10 12:36:11 (edited 2006-05-10 12:39:18)
beer and gin and wine and vodka, etc. i.e. alcohol

ampalaya.. ngak!

courtesy of koumonji, salamat tol!

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-05-10 12:42:30
OK, here's a list of things you should stay away from:
Three day old supermarket sushi
Tabasco soaked Gummi Bears (Tasty, but give bad cramps)
Anything from a culinary student who said "I'm trying a new technique."
(I love my culinary frineds but I fear them)
Pixy Sticks (Those things go the wrong way they BURN!)
Anything from Taco Bell
and more to come.

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by Alex on 2006-05-10 13:03:39
Damn brussel sprouts. nuff said

We gotta do something. Absolutly.You know what we gotta do? Toga Party!

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by kaykay on 2006-05-10 16:35:45
worst food in the world> wasabi

worst drink> grass jello.

and this is coming from some1 who can basically tolerate eating and drinking almost anything.

i have nothing to say besides school is gay~!

Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by on 2006-05-10 19:46:22
I ate a seemingly good mango once that turned out to be bad. It was so disgusting, I couldn't eat mangos for months. As for drinks, prune juice is disgusting and the first time I drank sake was a nightmare.

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Re: the worst things you've ever eat/drink
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-10 23:28:06
wot? food tt u guys dislike.. is actually one of my favourites!! =.=
wasabi, vege and watermelon~ weird!!

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unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
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