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What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by tauri on 2005-02-10 09:32:54
Personally I find it quite tiresome...

I mean so far it's produced 167 episodes + 4 movies. Plus it's very repetitive, everyday it's fight and fall-outs and fight some more! lol. It's a lot like Pokemon in that sense!.

But I do like the story line and the characters and those few, rare instances when it shows great depth...

What do you think?

Don't sit on hot things...

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2005-02-15 16:10:20
I honestly don't like it one bit, it's boring,and the animation is not my style.


Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Kem on 2005-02-15 23:06:14
I used to like it a lot. But then they kept making it. They need to stop. It's good, but not that good. They should just end it before they start losing more fans.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Zen Havok on 2005-02-15 23:15:35
tiresome after a while...the plot's not up to expectation..

So dark the con of men...

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-02-16 04:29:41
funny at 1st though =/

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by on 2005-02-16 22:32:39
I liked the series quite a bit. But then the re-runs started, and after about the fifth wave of re-runs it started to get dull. Then new episodes came on, which I was happy for and I watched them... then it was back to re-runs. I, again, slowly started to lose interest in the show. Then new episodes came out, and by that time... well... I just didn't care anymore.
Inu-Yasha is a good series, don't get me wrong... but there's only so much that storyline can do, and the whole demon thing has been done to death already. Inu-Yasha just really isn't that original... and it gets boring after awhile. Constant fights, constant insulting, or constant I-don't-know-if-I-love-or-hate-yous.
Aw well... atleast it's not as bad as DBZ and all those other crappy series'. :|

\"You are not ready to learn the Legendary Great Manuver. If I told you, then you\'d have to try it and you would DIE. But... it would be fun to watch!\"

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by on 2005-02-17 18:38:46
I like inu , it has a verry good story , voices for the dubbed an't bad , the only bad part about it if your watching it on cartoon netowrk is how they keep showing the same shows over and over and wont go to the next season but anyways i am sure that this anime is liked by alot of people and if you havn't seen it you should also it's somewhat of a long anime , i belive around 120 episodes or more...

i havn't seen the japanese episodes but one but i don't remember it too well but from just seeing the english anime this anime has made it into my favorites list. which is somewhat good.

There is always darkness hiding in the shadow of the light.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by May on 2005-02-18 08:03:39
I've seen up to episode 128. It can get a bit repetitive at times and I was starting to get tired of it after episode 80 but later on the story got more interesting. It's still one of my favourite anime.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Sei on 2005-02-18 08:31:01
What can I say about Inuyasha? Well, the series is awfully long, but I don't have any problems about it since I like R.T's other work, Ranma 1/2. And besides, the animation is good and also the soundtrack.

"This world must be right... and if it is, I am a bad little sheep who cannot conform to it."
- Sei Satou | Rosa Gigantea

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Seto Kaiba on 2005-02-18 16:28:41
I like the series overall. I saw the dubbed version once, and I found several things that I didn't like with that, though (such as changing "Kirara" to "Kilala" and "Senken Tetsusou" to some God-awful, grammatically-incorrect name).

I don't think it's great, though. I like it, sure enough, but it's not the BEST anime ever. I mostly just watch it for Sesshoumaru ^_^

sosogu inochi kizamu hana de kimiyo douka boku o tsutsunde

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by 明 on 2005-02-19 05:48:01
love the series, but the ending was VERY disapponting..


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by tauri on 2005-02-19 15:36:34
I don't think episode 167 is the real end you know. I think the Japanese are trying to create some big hype about it and are going to release the true ending later on. It's all about money these days...

Don't sit on hot things...

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Paisley on 2005-02-20 12:19:18
InuYasha was alright for me up until I started wondering where the jewel shard searching went.

I don't really care for the obsessive InuYasha fangirls much though.


Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by jade on 2005-02-20 12:36:48
Well, the anime in itself was done pretty well. Sure , things got a bit repetative, but I was fine with the pattern of fillers, big fight, fillers, big fight, etc.... As most of you will agree, the ending greatly disappointed any hopes for a decent conclusion but, at that point, the manga hadn't finished yet so the animators, facing falling ratings, probably just gave up. Watching the entire series was exhausting but I still left it pretty satisfied.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2005-02-20 16:48:45
Hated the whole thing, it was boring and lame. The characters annoyed me. There's plenty of other shows about demons and stuff, what makes this show so special? It downright SUCKED.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by hakkai_sis on 2005-02-21 06:12:38
Actually I don't think its so bad. Unless you counted several things..
But then again, its songs are really nice. I haven't really watched all of it yet, just a few episodes here & there just to know how is it like. I find it pretty okay but also confusing at the same time. I'm on neither the fan nor the hater side; neutrel that is.
But every anime deserves a try, right? :)

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by tauri on 2005-02-21 12:35:26
Definately! All anime deserves a try. If I could afford it I'd buy every anime!!

These are the series I have managed to get all the episodes to so far:

Cardcaptor Sakura
Wolf's Rain
Furi Kuri a.k.a FLCL a.k.a Fooly Cooly
Rurouni Kenshin
Fruit's Basket
Cowboy Bebop
Knight Hunters a.k.a Weiss Kruez
Ah My Goddess!

*sigh* so few...

Hey guys what should I get next!?

Don't sit on hot things...

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2005-02-21 14:55:48
I've only seen several episodes of inuyasha and it had a pretty interesting storyline. I kinda figured kagome and inuyasha would end up liking one another. One thing I had to get used to seeing were those damn demons! They kinda scare me actually. :D So since I havent seen too many of the episodes, i think it's good.

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Kajima on 2005-02-21 16:35:33
Yea I like Inuyasha..I also like the show Music....

Re: What do you guys think of Inuyasha?
Link | by Shadar logoth on 2005-02-21 17:57:24
Inuyasha is a good series don't get me wrong but i belive it's a little more popular than it deserves to be their are series that i think deserve more recognition than inuyasha has but they don't get it. but of course inuyasha is definatly on my anime to buy list.

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