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NARUTO movie
Link | by kazenoTsuki on 2005-02-10 05:48:49
does anyone at all out there has the NARUTO movie?

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by Yuusuke on 2005-02-10 09:18:57
hasnt found yet....

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by gooden on 2005-02-10 10:44:41
i don't have but i no where you can download it

if you wont try on i think it have there

good luck ;)

Gooden Burn in Hell

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by on 2005-02-17 18:46:15
I don't belive any main groups have subbed this movie , that is why it's somewhat hard to get mostly for movies people wait till the dvd is out to dub it . i am not forsure if they got the whole movie out on that site or not.

There is always darkness hiding in the shadow of the light.

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by kirikus on 2005-03-17 06:02:18
well if we wanted the subbed one we have to wait until it is in Dvd or aired in TV at Japan because the subbers get most of the raw anime from their satelite channels....

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by ice18 on 2005-04-28 23:02:23
if you want, you can get the manga version of it.. ive seen it floating about somewhere. as for the anime with the sub/dubbed.. it should be released around this day.

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-06 03:14:28
is naruto the movie is about koyuki the snow country hime?

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Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-09-06 03:18:58
Movie one? Yes!! had provided links for the Yukihime Movie. If as for Movie No.2, we're still waiting for the release, tanoshimi ni...^_^



Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by firemiste on 2005-09-06 07:17:12
Yeah, I brought the movie DvD in Taiwan. I think there's the movie bittorent on

Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by Yuuki on 2005-09-06 19:12:02
i bought it...
its really nice....
arew they other movie??
e.g: battle in the hidden falls. i'm the hero!

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Re: NARUTO movie
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-09-07 18:49:12
Hi yuki-san,

Nope, it's the latest one...

Naruto: Gekijyouban Naruto Daigekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo!!
In English: Naruto's big clash in the Theatre! The illusion of the ruins of the depths of the earth!!
Release Date: August 6th, 2005

Hopefully we'll be able to get the DVD release by next year...arg..can't wait!!

Ja mata ne,


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