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i have a question about ayashi no ceres
Link | by xxmarilynxx on 2005-01-16 19:53:24
wats the difference between Kono Yo Ga Hatetemo Hanarenai and One? arent they the SAME song?? if they are, then y r they both posted on the mp3 list?

Mitsuki: Eichi-Kun, because of you, I lived 'til this day. Because of you, I followed my dreams. Now that you're gone, I have no desire to live anymore. Wherever you are...please...take me with you...

Re: i have a question about ayashi no ceres
Link | by gendou on 2005-01-16 21:23:23
they are very similar, it seems one must be a remix of the other, however they are not the same.

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