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Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-04-17 06:14:55
the girls in this anime are pretty cute.but it's opening is quite uh...bloody?with those girls holding sharp weapons and bloody all over their body...

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2006-04-17 06:51:35
Yah, I've downloaded this anime too. My bro said it's kinda interesting as the anime kicks off with bloodshed :P I think my bro is a manic :P


Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-17 07:10:15
EEEEE looks like the anime trying to copy Shakugan No Shana.....

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-04-17 07:11:44,i don't see anything in common or similar with Shakugan no Shana

the first thing you see at the beginning of the anime is someone cutting somebody up...with blood splattering everywhere XD

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-12 08:01:47 (edited 2006-06-12 08:37:11)
Erkh..this anime so mystery, and gruesome too.. what the hell with cutie little girl. I though its a funny anime/harem/comedy (in 1st episode only). but right now it turn to be horror/serial killer/suspen anime..hwaaa..mostly look like jigoku shoujo anime. maybe this category getting popular right

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by BakaOnna on 2006-06-12 14:56:27
I love this series and I'm so addicted to it right now! I've become addicted ever since ep. 4. Episode 9 and 10 just came out.

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-12 16:00:17
on my own opinion,episode 7 was the scariest...i've watched lots of horror movies but non of them scare me much...except for this heart was pounding really hard...

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-12 17:58:06
Poor keichi-kun..I wonder every new chapter he got killed by that whatever it is..sometime it make me laugh and sometime it freakin me out. I mean cut the throat using fingernail, stick the knife through your head, bloodshed everywhere, omg..@.@..

glad to see him alive in new part/chapter, but why must he die?maybe he deserve it hahahaha..ahahahahah..ahahahahaha(look like i'm possesed too)..

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-12 18:15:38
What's that? Sound's good. Cute Girls + Blood splattering everywhere? Hmm..... Guess I'll try it out soon. T_T (Cry of happiness)

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-12 19:10:11
cry of happiness?lolz
If i remember there was 8 ways Keiichi will die...

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Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by BakaOnna on 2006-06-12 19:34:05 (edited 2006-06-12 19:36:12)
It's a record. Keiichi gets the Most Times a Protagonists has Died Award. =P But you gotta feel sorry for the guy. This is one series where you expect the main character to die each arc. xD

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2006-06-14 21:44:55 (edited 2006-06-14 21:49:11)

I heard that it was from a dojin game? And the anime won't cover the entire story? And that it's going to be on PS2 & PS3?

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-06-14 22:49:31
this is the 1st anime that gave me the real chills... it was worth seeing and not worth seeing at the same time. 2nd chapter is my favourite so far... was it mion or shion? lol

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by Keith on 2006-06-24 20:12:45
Go Square Enix! And the manga is being translated by this group:

Only the best shall survive

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by BakaOnna on 2006-06-24 21:54:20
After reading the beginning chapters of the manga, the anime team sure left out a lot of stuff, not that they're that important... I think. And the artwork changes every arc since its not one person or group that works with the manga.

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by on 2007-02-21 03:18:16
Just watched episode one of this anime.... Though this is my first time, honestly, I was scared! The first episode is really creepy and is shrouded with mystery, I can't wait to download the remaining 25 episodes ^^

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by sai on 2007-02-21 05:36:29
Hmm, i just finished watching it a month ago... Well, although it's not much of a story, the suspense is for real...

I just have to love Shion and Rena... They have a great talent in giving pain... XD

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by nablix on 2007-02-21 07:42:15 (edited 2007-02-21 07:42:35)
I was kinda dissapointed in the anime because the cut out so much of the action and the pure goryness of the manga. I just hope that the second season will finish whats missing with Hanyuu and everything.

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by on 2007-02-24 06:58:58
Episode 5 is another story with the same characters and setting but the whole new story still scares me. I like this anime even more ^^

Re: Higurashi no Nakukoroni
Link | by hikari_sora on 2007-02-24 08:34:49
It's very creepy to all the blood, and the Rena's expression when she's angry.
It's chilling

~~Chrizz~~ ^_^

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