Displaying 1 to 10 of 10 polls.
Start Date Deadline Author Question Votes
2010-06-02 20:05:57 2010-07-07 shiroi bara grand piano or keyboard? 57
2010-06-01 22:33:36 2011-01-01 shiroi bara ur opinion about hakuouki? 37
2010-05-29 00:42:55 2011-01-01 shiroi bara I'm currently trying 2 make friend in gendou...Which of these is the most efficient way? 52
2010-05-28 08:26:46 2011-02-02 shiroi bara how long has it been since u watch ur 1st anime? 102
2010-05-25 20:53:26 2011-01-01 shiroi bara if an anime has too many episodes,just like naruto,will you still watch it(from episode 1)? 119
2010-05-25 20:41:22 2010-10-10 shiroi bara Can you read&write hiragana/katakana/kanji? 87
2010-05-25 02:01:57 2011-01-01 shiroi bara do u think anime songs R better than J-pop songs? 91
2010-05-24 07:16:04 2010-12-12 shiroi bara how many anime do u know? 137
2010-05-19 06:01:28 Never shiroi bara do u think Juvia has a chance to get Gray's attention(fairy tail)? 58
2010-05-19 05:53:32 2011-01-01 shiroi bara Do you think Kobato is unpopular? 46

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