Displaying 1 to 18 of 18 polls.
Start Date Deadline Author Question Votes
2013-06-08 07:02:01 Never naruhinafan The ending of Oreimo Vol.12 reaction? 18
2012-10-01 04:29:18 Never naruhinafan Favorite couple of 2012? 90
2012-09-06 16:09:21 Never naruhinafan Does anyone miss the days when there was a new poll on gendou almost every day? 61
2012-04-29 07:35:34 Never naruhinafan Who is your favorite character from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukuknai? 47
2011-10-03 12:29:01 Never naruhinafan Which anime are you looking forward to this fall? 91
2011-08-04 16:50:45 Never naruhinafan What is your favorite character on Vindictus (Mabinogi Heroes)? 21
2011-07-03 21:32:20 Never naruhinafan Were you satisfied with how Gosick ended? 51
2011-06-03 17:11:33 Never naruhinafan Hidan no Aria: Who will Kinji choose? 35
2011-06-02 10:38:07 Never naruhinafan Do you think Kimi ni Todoke should get a 3rd season? 51
2011-05-22 00:31:50 Never naruhinafan Should Kazuya go out with Victorique, or should they stay as friends (from Gosick)? 40
2011-03-13 21:49:35 Never naruhinafan For KissXsis fans, if you had to choose a Suminoe fanclub, would it be Ako or Riko? 33
2011-03-04 11:21:40 Never naruhinafan If you could be any female anime character for a day, who would it be (add-ins alllowed)? 81
2011-03-04 11:20:25 Never naruhinafan If you could be any male anime character for a day, who would it be (add-ins alllowed)? 78
2011-03-04 04:41:35 Never naruhinafan Who is your favorite Dream Demon from Yumekui Merry (free to add in names)? 20
2011-02-22 07:06:11 Never naruhinafan Mami Kawada or Kotoko? 63
2011-02-03 12:41:38 Never naruhinafan Age old question: Waffles or Pancakes? 76
2011-02-03 12:10:10 Never naruhinafan Do you play Mabinogi? 44
2011-02-03 12:01:49 Never naruhinafan Who should Kyousuke end up with from Ore no Imouto? 46

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