Displaying 1 to 20 of 44 polls.
Start Date Deadline Author Question Votes
2011-06-28 01:33:25 Never Guitar! see you in December, okay? 60
2011-06-25 01:54:20 Never Guitar! Do you like shopping? 86
2011-06-23 23:08:18 Never Guitar! Time... do you keep track of time? 70
2011-06-23 03:25:35 Never Guitar! What colour do you think goes well with black (feel free to add)? 94
2011-06-19 00:18:18 Never Guitar! Are you sick right now? 64
2011-06-18 05:52:29 Never Guitar! Gaming, what's your playing style? 98
2011-06-17 02:32:01 Never Guitar! What is it that you want (feel free to add !)? 69
2011-06-16 07:17:07 Never Guitar! How are you doing? 67
2011-04-30 05:08:07 Never Guitar! Are you so very BUSEH with life?! ? 53
2011-04-20 05:45:27 Never Guitar! I will be gone for awhile. Will you miss me? 90
2011-04-18 23:36:47 Never Guitar! would you rather Redraw or Retrace pictures? 61
2011-04-18 07:06:09 Never Guitar! Do you prefer something lightweight or heavyweight equipments? 52
2011-04-17 04:24:56 Never Guitar! Do you participate in lottery? 66
2011-04-16 04:53:02 Never Guitar! You rather prefer being lead or rhythm guitarist? 58
2011-04-15 03:11:23 Never Guitar! LaLaLa~ Do you play LAN? 35
2011-04-14 07:29:01 Never Guitar! Fun :D How do you do it( add! )? 64
2011-04-13 08:33:09 Never Guitar! Favourite Guitar BRAND(please add)? 40
2011-04-12 09:39:10 Never Guitar! Extra! Flan!? 46
2011-04-12 01:33:19 Never Guitar! Someone comes towards you, holding a tin can, asking you to donate. What will you do (free to add)? 81
2011-04-11 03:57:03 Never Guitar! Do you ENJOY going to school? 85
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