See other polls! Poll: if you had a deadline to die(ex.24hours,3month)what will you do?
do the things you want
35 47.95%
find ways to live longer
6 8.22%
only God knows when we die (so, I don't give a dang! with the deadline)
5 6.85%
suicide why wait for it
4 5.48%
Be with the girl/guy I love most and holding them till the time comes
4 5.48%
hide so no one will grieve
4 5.48%
i refuse to believe
3 4.11%
food. then anime. duh xD
2 2.74%
pray and meet the most precious people
2 2.74%
say goodbye to people i know
2 2.74%
do nothing
2 2.74%
kill so i wont be lonely
1 1.37%
pray all day hopeing to get in to hevean
1 1.37%
quickly do violent revenge on people that had been bad to you, gahaha...
1 1.37%
1 1.37%
Start Stealing Banks Ect. for money
1 1.37%
go crazy,nuts,cry or complain 0 0.00%
pray and do good things 0 0.00%
set your families inheritance 0 0.00%

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