See other polls! Poll: Sh** is about to hit the fan and the world is about to end. What do you do?
Do you Board a seemingly indestructible space battleship to search for a distant far off planet?
16 37.21%
Do you go back to bed?
8 18.60%
Do you spend the remaining time with your loved ones?
5 11.63%
Do you ask the Magic Conch Shell what to do?
4 9.30%
Do you go into an underground vault for 200 years?
3 6.98%
Do you re-watch all your favourite anime(s) one last time?
3 6.98%
Do you Confess to your true love?
2 4.65%
Do you do what Naruto says and Believe?
1 2.33%
do you wake up?
1 2.33%
Do you Launch your $10,000 manga collection into space in hopes it will survive? 0 0.00%

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