See other polls! Poll: What do you do when new anime comes up?
Read a summary first then watch the first episode if it sounds interesting.
40 62.50%
Watches it out of Curiousity
8 12.50%
All of the Above
7 10.94%
Do nothing.
3 4.69%
Watches it because of friend's recommendation
2 3.12%
None of the Above
1 1.56%
Watch the first few eps., read the summaries, and if I like it I watch it, regardless of what others say!!!
1 1.56%
Watches it because you have read the LN or Manga
1 1.56%
Watches it because you try to see all the current airing anime anyway.
1 1.56%
Watches it because all anime you have watched so far have been trash 0 0.00%

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