See other polls! Poll: Wanted character in Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim?
Barrett - FF7
3 27.27%
Ramza - Final Fantasy Tactics the war of the lions
2 18.18%
Rikku - FF10
2 18.18%
Yuffie - FF7
2 18.18%
Beatrix - FF9
1 9.09%
Vincent - FF7
1 9.09%
Fujin - FF8 0 0.00%
Garnet - FF9 0 0.00%
Irvine - FF8 0 0.00%
Lulu - FF10 0 0.00%
Quistis - FF8 0 0.00%
Rinoa - FF8 0 0.00%
Selphie - FF8 0 0.00%

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