See other polls! Poll: Anyone here plays Sims 3?
Uh, uh. Nope, no I don't.
19 43.18%
Uhm, yeah. Sure I do.
14 31.82%
Used to but stopped playing it
9 20.45%
Did you say 'S.I.M.S'? WOOHHOO!!! Buy a hot tub and watch pixel dudes get it on!
1 2.27%
just to get my Sims killed and see if they can out smart death by any means
1 2.27%
Blegh, uh, uh. I don't play games meant for (_______) (Insert pejorative stereotype that's meant for lonelies there) 0 0.00%
I'm only in it for the buildings and objects dude! Sorry bro. 0 0.00%
Uhm, I'm only in it for the humorous text displays I guess. Other than that, nothin' much dude. 0 0.00%

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