See other polls! Poll: Famous & Memorable Anime Quotes/Lines?
Yagami Light: I'll take a potato chip . . . AND EAT IT! (Death Note)
21 44.68%
Too many quotes
11 23.40%
Okarin: I am mad scientist. Is so cool! Sunovab*tch. (Steins;Gate)
5 10.64%
Garfield and Simpsons aren't anime ✲ | Osaka: "OH MA GAAH" (Azumanga Daioh)
3 6.38%
Homer Simpson: D'oh!! [repeated lines] (From The Simpsons)
2 4.26%
Katsura Koutarou: Zura ja nai, Katsura da
2 4.26%
Simca: Hey Crow give the Swallow a sloppy one. (From Air Gear)
2 4.26%
Momoka Nishizawa: BAKE YAROOOO!!! (From Keroro Gunso)
1 2.13%
Garfield: My room, my mess, my business. (From Garfield) 0 0.00%

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