See other polls! Poll: What do you look out for in choosing a game?
Poll Closed 2011-12-31
let's make it less complicated. There is too many to list.
24 36.36%
story of the game?
12 18.18%
9 13.64%
If it looks interesting
8 12.12%
3 4.55%
Gamplay and Innovative Experiences
2 3.03%
2 3.03%
What series it comes from.
2 3.03%
game platform?
1 1.52%
Is the crack included in the iso file?
1 1.52%
1 1.52%
Story of the game which include romance and good graphic with unique characters that could use many weapons. P.S there is many poor people out there so please include a crack in the iso file.
1 1.52%
weapons? 0 0.00%

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