See other polls! Poll: Who is Hatsune Miku???
Poll Closed 2010-03-01
Vocaloid...? >.>
39 46.43%
She's in a computerized singing program called "Vocaloid"
17 20.24%
An annoying singing program worshipped by the masses.
10 11.90%
The first installment in the Vocaloid2 Character Vocal Series
6 7.14%
5 5.95%
An aluminum plate made that will be used as a balancing weight for the Japanese Venus spacecraft explorer Akatsuki
2 2.38%
The sixth Kira. Beware the Death Note!
2 2.38%
a person
1 1.19%
A secret member of Akatsuki/espada/shichibukai
1 1.19%
1 1.19%

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