See other polls! Poll: If theres a code geass r3 what should the first episode be like?
CC trying to revive lelouch
35 38.89%
How life is at that time
14 15.56%
Finding out that Lelouch is alive because he got that immortality thing from his father when he killed him, oh and suzaku should be shirtless <3
10 11.11%
Intro of a new main character
8 8.89%
Lelouch now have the code and lives with C.C
6 6.67%
Lelouch is in that capsule thing wearing a white suit like C.C in the first episode :D
5 5.56%
Erm,,, there IS a season 3. but I think CC trying to revive lelouch is cool
4 4.44%
Conflict within the Britannia Empire that forces the immortal Lelouch out of hiding
3 3.33%
Schneizel rules Brittannia, and finds out that Lelouch is alive. The past wrath continues and Schneizel wants the Code for himself.
2 2.22%
Intro to a new terrorist group
1 1.11%
Lelouch comes out of hiding
1 1.11%
There IS R3....Lelouch should be there!! C.C. trying to revive Lelouch or conflict forcing Lelouch out of hiding or Schneizel wanting the code. ANYTHING, AS LONG AS LELOUCH IS THERE
1 1.11%
Overview of last 2 seasons 0 0.00%

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