See other polls! Poll: what do you want to add more in bleach(aside from episodes/arc)?
Ichigo having another move besides getsuga tenshou
24 38.10%
all of the choices
9 14.29%
more kon
7 11.11%
more romance
7 11.11%
more comedy
5 7.94%
a new kind of power for ichigo
4 6.35%
All choices(Except Yaoi)
3 4.76%
a connection with other animes
1 1.59%
more backstories
1 1.59%
more bankai
1 1.59%
more blood
1 1.59%
more hollows/vizard/espada
1 1.59%
ichigo falling in love with a guy haha ^_^ hehe 0 0.00%
more action 0 0.00%
more drama 0 0.00%
more villains 0 0.00%

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