Digitally mix tracks
You must sing with a MIXED karaoke back track. No a cappella.
The karaoke track must be electronically mixed with your vocal track.
Wear headphones so that the music is not audible on your vocal track!
It is NOT acceptable to record your singing over the song playing ambient in the background.
I recommend the program Audacity.
Minimum level to vote
To discourage abuse, users must be at lease level 4 to vote.
Read how user levels work here.
Must be your own voice
The page found by the URL you supply MUST be a recording of your own voice! It must also contain the exact phrase:
No auto-tune or pitch correction
In order to judge signing ability, neither auto-tuning nor any other form of digital pitch correction (such as Melodyne) is permitted.
No profanity
The song you select must contain no profanity.
Any accompanying video should also contain no profane imagery.
No Vocaloid songs
Please avoid choosing Vocaloid songs.
This TEMPORARY restriction for season 7 is intended to help encourage singing a wider breadth of songs, preferably from anime.
Playable in browser
Your song must be able to be heard after no more than one mouse click.
YouTube is a good choice.
4shared is good, too, but make sure the file name ends in ".mp3"!
Select any song
Select a song by any artist you may like, in any language.
Your selection does not have to be an Anime song.
It is discouraged to sing translations of Japanese songs.
Sing for 2+ minutes
Your must sing for a duration of AT LEAST 2 minutes during the song.
Vote fairly
You may NOT vote for yourself!
Please don't spam/pester others to vote for you.
This is a talent contest, not a popularity contest.
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