10 polls per day
Notice that you may create at most ten polls per 24 hour period.
Ask a question
Please phrase the poll question as a concise question with a question mark (?) at the end.
Be fair
If you have created a poll, be fair and do not take any action that will slant the results of the poll. For example, do not expedite the deadline if the results are not to your liking. Do not omit popular options and disallow write-ins.
Be inclusive
Never un-check "allow others" when the poll regards people. It is not possible to list all people. Only polls that have a finite set of sensible responses should disallow write-ins.
Be original
Please do not create a new poll on the same topic as an existing poll, even if the old poll has been closed.
Keep it clean
Do not post any vulgar, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or threatening, illegal, or sexual content.
This includes threats of suicide.
No advertising
Polls must not advertise or imply the use of a website, product, or service.
No spam
Polls must be cogent, employ proper spelling and grammar, and have some clear subject. If write-ins are not permitted, the options supplied must be sensible.
Respectful and positive
Polls must be positive and respectful.
Polls may not insult or imply insult to any other user or group of people.
Singular answer
Poll questions should have a singular answer. For example, ask for favorite color, as opposed to which color a person likes.
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