Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information slepyhed sings Catch You Catch Me by Gumi, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 Omg you have the cutest voice!! =^_^=
Technique: 4 I really like your soft, pop vocals! Really clear and consistent too.
Interpretation: 5 Just overflowing with cuteness.
Production: 5 Perfect. The harmonies were perfect and the backup vocals were terrific!
Final Thoughts: 19 I melted. So cute. I smacked that replay button.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Nice selection, it fits your voice :)
Technique: 4 Consistent intonation :) Watch your breathing.
Interpretation: 4 You added your own style. I like that! Good energy!
Production: 5 Good job.
Final Thoughts: 17

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Great match
Technique: 4 Very consistent, a couple parts went awry but really had to listen for them.
Interpretation: 5 Energy is there, no doubt.
Production: 5 Everything meshed into something wonderful. Really enjoyed this entry
Final Thoughts: 19 Very catchy, you had me trying to say "ichiban" as fast as you. I failed v_v

Average Score
Song Selection:4.7
Sum Total:18.3

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