Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information Kuragi_Machi sings Pure Snow by Sasaki Yuuko, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3 I think you fit well with the choice but you sang really low. :(
Technique: 2 You sang too softly, to quiet. It's holding back.
Interpretation: 2
Production: 1 You sang too low, the vocals were low, etc.
Final Thoughts: 8 Sing much louder and let it out. You'll also get better singing that way.

Scored by
Song Selection: 3
Technique: 3 Mostly consistent, but too soft. You lack presence. Work on that.
Interpretation: 3 Again..the song sounds the need emotion, power, dynamics.
Production: 3 Try to balance the volumes better.
Final Thoughts: 12 I suggest you let your voice out, don't try to sound cute. Add more power into your vocals.

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Good and fits but not taken advantage of
Technique: 3
Interpretation: 2 Not much emotion or energy
Production: 2
Final Thoughts: 10

Average Score
Song Selection:3.0
Sum Total:10.0

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