Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information loconek0 sings Papermoon by Tommy Heavenly6, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3 Original instrumentals or recorded? It sounds nice.
Technique: 3
Interpretation: 4
Production: 3 The instruments sounded perfect, but the vocals were a bit faded into the background. Not clear enough for me.
Final Thoughts: 13 If the instruments were recorded, those were probably the best I've heard in GI yet.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Nice song.
Technique: 4 You have a strong powerful, just watch for flat notes.
Interpretation: 4 Great energy! You could even add a bit more :)
Production: 4 Watch the mix. I could barely hear your voice at the beginning, the BGM overpowered your voice.
Final Thoughts: 16

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 One of my favorite songs from soul eater and sung well
Technique: 4 Nearly perfect. Really had to listen to it though. Music was louder than you
Interpretation: 5 Sing with conviction and you do it well.
Production: 3 Music needs to be mixed evenly with vocals
Final Thoughts: 17

Average Score
Song Selection:4.0
Sum Total:15.3

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