Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information amaya sings Euterpe by Egoist, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 2 I would've liked to see a more vibrant, faster song?
Technique: 2 If you end short you have to have a certain pop and build that wall, or else Pame is right, most of the case.
Interpretation: 2 It felt a bit sluggish and boring really. No emotion for this type of song which just radiates an eeriness.
Production: 2 Slightly loud though it's better than too low, but try blending your vocals in a bit more with the BGM.
Final Thoughts: 8 Could've been better but maybe a faster song next time?

Scored by
Song Selection: 3
Technique: 3 Watch the end of your phrases, your intonation falters. Watch that.
Interpretation: 3 It was alright, but I would have liked more dynamics, and a lot more emotion.
Production: 4
Final Thoughts: 13

Scored by
Song Selection: 2 Good song but the translation didn't go well
Technique: 3 Your voice has potential but it needs a little more presence. Sing a little more strongly
Interpretation: 2 I didn't really feel a connection to the song which you always want.
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 10 I think you have what it takes, just need more practice. Show emotion and sing your heart out

Average Score
Song Selection:2.3
Sum Total:10.3

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