Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information sings Blue Bird by Ikimono Gakari, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 2 I love this song but you made it seem boring.
Technique: 1 Put more into singing, don't just sing for the sake of trying to sound perfect.
Interpretation: 1 Disappointing energy.
Production: 2 Vocals were a bit low. Add some reverb as well for weight.
Final Thoughts: 6 Disappointing entry sadly. Note: Your avatar violates the rules, you should fix that.

Scored by
Song Selection: 2 I wasn't convinced with this song. You lower the key, but you suffered with the lower notes. I suggest you
Technique: 2 pick a song that is within your range, because you could not showcase your potential with a version of Blue
Interpretation: 2 Bird that is below your range. You almost sound bored when you are singing. You have no emotion at all :(
Production: 4 My advice: Pick a better song for your voice, sing your heart out...have fun! Add some emotion into your
Final Thoughts: 10 voice and you will do a lot better. :) Thank you for auditioning!

Scored by
Song Selection: 1 Song didnt seem to fit your voice at all
Technique: 2 While there was consistency, it was pretty much flat throughout
Interpretation: 1 I didnt feel any energy from the performance which is odd since this song is full of energy
Production: 3 Levels were ok
Final Thoughts: 7 You have consistency down but everything else needs some work. Practice on range and things will look up.

Average Score
Song Selection:1.7
Sum Total:7.7

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