Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information pv39 sings Shizuka na Yoru Ni C.E. 73 by Tanaka Rie, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3 Addicting choice.
Technique: 2 Add more power in your vocals so it enlightens your presence. You have a cute voice and tone.
Interpretation: 2 Get more into the feeling of the song and add more energy. The songs too upbeat not to have energy.
Production: 3 Blend your vocals in a bit more with the synths and BGM.
Final Thoughts: 10

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Nice upbeat.
Technique: 3 Cute voice.
Interpretation: 4
Production: 4
Final Thoughts: 14 It was a cute song, but not very challenging.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4
Technique: 3
Interpretation: 3
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 13

Average Score
Song Selection:3.3
Sum Total:12.3

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