Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information chkaboom sings U&I by Aki Toyosaki, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 I think you can match this tempo really well.
Technique: 3 I LOVE the presence and your tone is lovely. I actually love the nasally voice unlike my judges here... ^_~`
Interpretation: 5 Best.
Production: 3 BGM was at a good level but the vocals needed to blend a bit more so experiment with that.
Final Thoughts: 16 I actually like the entry as a whole. The vocals during that piano part was really lovely. And OMG Mio<3!

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Nice upbeat song.
Technique: 3 You sound a very nasal. Were you sick? :( Your intonation is alright, though.
Interpretation: 4 Good energy.
Production: 4 Try to balance the volume of your voice a bit better. I could barely hear your lower notes.
Final Thoughts: 14 You sounded as if you had a cold or something :( so that took a bit out of the performance.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Im a fan of k-on so digging the song choice
Technique: 4 As pame said it was good but sounded nasally
Interpretation: 5 Voice matched the mood. Awesome job
Production: 3 Levels were a bit off but wasa able to hear you fo the most part
Final Thoughts: 16 Awesome job for the most part.

Average Score
Song Selection:4.0
Sum Total:15.3

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