Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information BlueRem sings Zero (ゼロ) by BUMP OF CHICKEN, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 BUMP OF CHICKEN songs are so good for this contest though the song doesn't kick in until much later.
Technique: 5 Perfect control and awareness. Very smooth and consistent as well.
Interpretation: 5 Great emotion and feeling with the song.
Production: 5 The song is really long and it starts off slow for about 2-3 minutes until the instruments kick in much later.
Final Thoughts: 20 2:05-2:15 was really good especially that high note at 2:15, just killed it.

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Nice choice! It fits your voice.
Technique: 4 I like the quality of your voice.
Interpretation: 5 Nice job!
Production: 5 Good job!!
Final Thoughts: 18 Very nice job! I would have liked some harmonies, though, hehe

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Great song to cover
Technique: 5 Couldn't find any consistencies with your vocals.
Interpretation: 5
Production: 5
Final Thoughts: 20 For having spring allergies, you didn't sound hindered that much. Great entry

Average Score
Song Selection:4.7
Sum Total:19.3

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