Gendou IdolSeason 8Round 1 → Past Contestant Information alice12231 sings God Knows ~Piano~ by Aya Hirano, here:
Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 1 Vocally not the best choice to suit you.
Technique: 1 You lost timing a bit and your voice was generally unstable.
Interpretation: 2 Add more feeling and emotion when you sing this version. It was lacking sadly.
Production: 1 Really bad quality and a lot of noise. You sang over the instrumental it seems.
Final Thoughts: 5 With practice I think I can see much improvement. Also try to get a better mic?

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Not sure if this was the right song for you.
Technique: 2 Watch your tempo, and your breathing. Your voice was a bit shaky, maybe you were nervous?
Interpretation: 3 You sounded the same throughout the song. Add more dynamics. This is a fun song.
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 11 Try to relax before recording, breath...breath! :) Just keep practicing ^^

Scored by
Song Selection: 2 Good song but it needs presence
Technique: 2 tempo and consistency needs work. You have the foundation of a good voice. Just build on it.
Interpretation: 2 Just because its the piano version doesnt mean your voice cant have presence. Sing your heart out and enjoy it
Production: 2 Doesnt sound mixed well together.
Final Thoughts: 8 Would love to hear this again from you with a little more practice and presence

Average Score
Song Selection:2.0
Sum Total:8.0

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