Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information Lizz sings Secret Base by Kayano Ai, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 5 Awesome choice!
Technique: 5 Strong vocals!
Interpretation: 4 Very pretty!
Production: 5 Good.
Final Thoughts: 19

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 A lot of people are singing this song cause they cameback! Nice choice!
Technique: 4 Your voice fits perfectly with this. Well done.
Interpretation: 5 Reminds me of the original!
Production: 5 Clear, good balancing, quality is great, etc.
Final Thoughts: 19 Would've added some background vocals but other than that, you did ZONE justice for this song.

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Good choice. It fits your voice! I liked it.
Technique: 4 Lovely voice. Good job! Great intonation! I would have added harmonies, that's my only issue.
Interpretation: 4 I liked what you did with the song. I would maybe try adding a bit more dynamics, other than that great!
Production: 5 Clear sound. Good job!
Final Thoughts: 18 I really liked this cover. *claps

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Great choice
Technique: 5 Lovely voice and on pitch, superb.
Interpretation: 5 Felt the conviction in your veice while singing so great job
Production: 5 On point and mixed very well great job
Final Thoughts: 20 I agree with the others, harmonies would have been great but great job nonetheless

Average Score
Song Selection:5.0
Sum Total:19.0

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