Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Past Contestant Information poka sings Brand New World by D-51, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 3 I like it.
Technique: 3 Some timing issues in the beginning.
Interpretation: 3 Would like to hear sing with more energy.
Production: 3 Good job.
Final Thoughts: 12

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3 Jumpy, fun.
Technique: 2 I agree with Pame. Bg vocals would've helped your vocals overall.
Interpretation: 2 Lacked emphasis, energy for this type of song.
Production: 3 Not bad.
Final Thoughts: 10

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Fun song.
Technique: 3 Work a bit on your tempo(phrasing) and intonation. Cute voice. I would have love harmonies, though
Interpretation: 3 Oh come on! This is a fun song! Energy, energy!! More energy!
Production: 4 Nice mix.
Final Thoughts: 14 You have a very cute voice. You have great potential. Just work on some stuff and you'll do great!

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 OK song selection with your voice
Technique: 3 Vocals were good but kind of stayed on the same pitch. I didnt hear much variation in your voice
Interpretation: 3 Fun songs should be fun so sing like your are having fun.
Production: 4 This was done well, just raise your volume a little more
Final Thoughts: 13 Over good entry just put more emphasis on your singing and be a little more dynamic with your singing

Average Score
Song Selection:3.2
Sum Total:12.2

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