Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information Keirame sings Suki Dakara by Katou Izumi, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4 Very good.
Technique: 4 Good technique. Some minor slips in intonation, mostly at the beginning.
Interpretation: 5 Great harmonies!
Production: 4 Good.
Final Thoughts: 17 Can't wait to hear more!

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 5 Wow I love it!
Technique: 4 Harmonies were nicely done, not perfect but great overall.
Interpretation: 5 You know how to sing this song.
Production: 5 I like that effect on your voice if there was one, perfect balancing.
Final Thoughts: 19 I liked it a lot you did very good!

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Great selection *-*
Technique: 5 Harmonies.YES! Thank you! There were few parts in which your end phrases were a bit weak. But great!
Interpretation: 5 Loved it
Production: 5 Great mix!
Final Thoughts: 20 I loved it from beginning to end. I didn't care about the few little mistakes here and there.

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 You owned this song
Technique: 4 A couple parts were off key but i wouldnt have noticed if i wasnt wearing headphones so good job
Interpretation: 5 Very nice emotion put into it
Production: 5 Mixed very well and harmonies were perfect
Final Thoughts: 19

Average Score
Song Selection:4.8
Sum Total:18.8

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