Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Past Contestant Information minchan13 sings Diamond Crevasse by Megumi Nakajima, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4 Great selection.
Technique: 4 Beautiful.
Interpretation: 4 I feel it.
Production: 5 Great quality.
Final Thoughts: 17 Not much to say, you did a wonderful job!

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 2 I'm a big fan of this song, but you lacked a few technical skills.
Technique: 3 Not bad, almost sounds like the original, don't force the vibrato just sing naturally.
Interpretation: 3
Production: 3 Add some reverb for this song to make it more dynamic (like the original).
Final Thoughts: 11

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 The song fits you :)
Technique: 4 You went a bit off in the runs, especially at the very beginning, but you definitely have a nice voice.
Interpretation: 5 I liked the feeling you put into the song. :)
Production: 4 Nice job!
Final Thoughts: 17 I like your voice. I think you can still add some "Oomph" into your performance, make it more impressive. :)

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Good song for you
Technique: 4 Beginning was kind of rough but rest was good
Interpretation: 5 energy is great, awesome job
Production: 4 Good mixing
Final Thoughts: 17

Average Score
Song Selection:3.5
Sum Total:15.5

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