Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Past Contestant Information mangomonster sings Brightdown by Nami Tamaki, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 2 Not right for your vocal range.
Technique: 2 Try singing with your hand cupped to your ear, so you can hear clear feedback of your pitch.
Interpretation: 2 Would like to hear sing with more energy.
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 9 I cannot judge it. "This video has been removed by the user."

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 2 I like the music but you didn't live up to it.
Technique: 2 Sang too soft, singing soft holds back what can truly be even greater. Let go next time and sing louder.
Interpretation: 2 Needs more energy.
Production: 2
Final Thoughts: 8 In case the judges need a link:

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 This song had lots of potential, but I don't you fully too advtange of it.
Technique: 3 Work a little on your pitch. Don't hold back on the high notes.
Interpretation: 3 You can do more, more! Especially when singing upbeat song, you should have me jumping up and down :(
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 12

Scored by
Song Selection: 2 Song didnt fit your range
Technique: 1 Voice was soft and out of pitch most of the time. Sing a little stronger.
Interpretation: 2 was sung on time but their was a lack of energy put into it.
Production: 3 Music was level enough with your voice but your voice needs more volume
Final Thoughts: 8 Sing with all your heart next time. When it comes to competition, dont hold back.

Average Score
Song Selection:2.2
Sum Total:9.2

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