Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Winner Contestant Information SasuVoice sings You are my Love [Japanese Cover] by Yui Makino, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 4
Technique: 5 Great vocals, superb volume!
Interpretation: 5 Thank you.
Production: 5 Top notch.
Final Thoughts: 19

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 4 I like the short entry, definitely a change from the 4-5+ minute entries...
Technique: 4 Smooth, appealing, in tune, etc.
Interpretation: 5 Dramatic and emotional.
Production: 5 That effect makes your voice for the music even more dynamic!
Final Thoughts: 18 I don't mind the shorter entry cause you can sing and I only needed this much to see your talent.

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Very fitting!
Technique: 5 Love your vibrato, and the quality of your voice. You belted the high notes! Awesome job.
Interpretation: 5 THANK YOU for singing this song like YOU, and not a copy of Yui Makino! *-*
Production: 5
Final Thoughts: 20 I've been waiting for someone to sing this song like you. Good job!

Scored by
Song Selection: 5 Excellent choice
Technique: 5 PERFECT
Interpretation: 5 Can definitely hear the conviction in your voice,
Production: 5 Even and on point
Final Thoughts: 20 You made an impression with a song shorter than others so bravo. Great entry

Average Score
Song Selection:4.5
Sum Total:19.2

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