Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Past Contestant Information Seira-Chan sings Happy Christmas by Kanae Ito, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 3 Cute.
Technique: 3 Good job.
Interpretation: 3 Very nice.
Production: 3 The bird was singing, too!
Final Thoughts: 12

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3
Technique: 2 Cute but a bit shaky and weak.
Interpretation: 2 Try to match the happier choruses. They sort of stole the song here.
Production: 4
Final Thoughts: 11

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Cute song.
Technique: 3 Cute voice. Work on your breathing and intonation.
Interpretation: 3 The background chorus sounds happier than you. Not good :( Try to sound happier, merrier, it's Xmas!
Production: 3 Hehehe I heard the bird. The funny thing is that it sounds as if it is part of the song! XDD
Final Thoughts: 12

Scored by
Song Selection: 4 Very cute song
Technique: 4 Lovely voice by a couple parts sounded off rhythm
Interpretation: 2 Though your voice was lovely you didn't sound like you were happy
Production: 5 It was mixed well together
Final Thoughts: 15 Solid entry just work on timing and energy put into your songs :)

Average Score
Song Selection:3.2
Sum Total:12.5

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