Gendou IdolSeason 7Round 1 → Past Contestant Information Nini-chan sings Hikari no Rasenritsu by Kukui, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 3 Pretty song.
Technique: 2 Cute voice. Try keeping track of the tempo with your head, or hands. Watch your pitch.
Interpretation: 2
Production: 3 Volume as a little bit inconsistent.
Final Thoughts: 10 Thanks for giving it a shot! I look forward to hearing more.

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 3 A nice song that you could pribably sing better with a bit of practice.
Technique: 2 Pitch was the main issue, but I think you can definitely improve your skill.
Interpretation: 3 A bit neutral on some of the emotion.
Production: 3 Music started to over shadow the vocals a bit.
Final Thoughts: 11

Scored by
Song Selection: 3
Technique: 2 Work on your pitch. If you practice a bit more, I'm sure you'll do better.
Interpretation: 3
Production: 3 Your voice was too loud in the beginning. Try fixing the levels :)
Final Thoughts: 11 Thank you for participating. Try practicing a little more :) and you'll do great.

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Was alright for your range
Technique: 2 Vocals weren't real consistent
Interpretation: 4 Although your vocals weren't consistent, I felt like I could hear you trying your best.
Production: 2 I think you overpowered the music a bit, try leveling it out a bit
Final Thoughts: 11 Give the same energy and work on the consistency and you will do fine next time

Average Score
Song Selection:3.0
Sum Total:10.8

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