Song Selection: | 3 | Good fit to your vocal range. |
Technique: | 3 | Cute voice. Try to sing from lower down "chest voice", instead of the nasal "head voice". |
Interpretation: | 3 | |
Production: | 3 | Mic is very dry, try adding a tiny bit of reverb. |
Final Thoughts: | 12 |
Song Selection: | 4 | Really good choice for your tone of voice. I liked it. |
Technique: | 3 | Yes a few technical bumps but I really like your voice a lot. |
Interpretation: | 2 | Lacking and sounded a bit plain. Try to sway and get more into the music. |
Production: | 3 | Thought it was okay, but I agree with Gendou, don't just leave your voice dry with this background. |
Final Thoughts: | 12 |
Song Selection: | 4 | Song was within your range. |
Technique: | 3 | Work on your pitch a little bit. You have a cute voice, though. |
Interpretation: | 3 | Try adding more dynamics to your voice so it won't sound the same the whole song. |
Production: | 4 | |
Final Thoughts: | 14 | Just work on your dynamics and pitch :) |
Song Selection: | 4 | It fits alright, I could tell that you were comfortable singing it. |
Technique: | 3 | Voice is good but sounded very monotone. Maybe try working on varying pitch. |
Interpretation: | 2 | Since it kind of monotone, it really hard to hear any energy or feeling into the song. |
Production: | 3 | Match voice with music levels so neither sounds louder than the other |
Final Thoughts: | 12 | Sounds like you have a good voice just practice on pitch and giving energy. |
Song Selection: | 3.8 |
Technique: | 3.0 |
Interpretation: | 2.5 |
Production: | 3.2 |
Sum Total: | 12.5 |