Gendou IdolSeason 6Round 1 → Past Contestant Information Fruu~ sings Luka Luka Night Fever by Fruu, here:
Scored by gendou
Song Selection: 1 The song is not complete, it cuts off at under 2 minutes, which is a rule violation. Tisk, tisk!
Technique: 4 Great vibrato, good emotion.
Interpretation: 4 Very good.
Production: 3 Fine.
Final Thoughts: 12 Wish you could have gotten a higher score, but you need to finish the song...

Scored by devils-angel
Song Selection: 4 Makes me wanna jump out of my seat and dance. I love it.
Technique: 3 Clear vocals, good job.
Interpretation: 4 Energy and tone complimented the techno sound very nicely.
Production: 1 It seems you somehow slipped a rule. A crucial rule.
Final Thoughts: 12 I don't think you can go to the next round with this entry. It's a shame.

Scored by Kiko
Song Selection: 3 where's the rest?
Technique: 4 you're a good vocalist
Interpretation: 4
Production: 3
Final Thoughts: 14 where's the rest of the song? that really hurt your score. too bad.

Scored by
Song Selection: 3 Nice song
Technique: 4 You have a nice voice. Good job
Interpretation: 4 Good energy!
Production: 2 Umm how come your song is under 2 min!! NO good...
Final Thoughts: 13 I really don't know how I didn't notice your song was under the 2 min rule. >_<

Average Score
Song Selection:2.8
Sum Total:12.8

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