Song Selection: |
4 |
The rain was very annoying. You could have cut off the whole first minute! Superb high notes!! |
Technique: |
3 |
Pitch was OK most of the time. |
Interpretation: |
4 |
Very good! |
Production: |
3 |
Final Thoughts: |
14 |
I can tell you're strugglign with mid range notes, but you've got strong potential! |
Song Selection: |
3 |
Dang, catchy tune. That rain was horrific... |
Technique: |
2 |
Pitch sounded a bit inconsistent at times. High notes were a bit squeeky. |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Nicely done I thought. That rain hurt the intro a lot. |
Production: |
3 |
Not a bad recording, maybe a better mic or better volume balance might've helped. |
Final Thoughts: |
11 |
Practice will definitely make this cover better for sure. Nice work. |
Song Selection: |
4 |
challenging song... |
Technique: |
3 |
high notes need work |
Interpretation: |
3 |
Production: |
3 |
Final Thoughts: |
13 |
this song may have been too much for you. practice more. |
Song Selection: |
3 |
Not sure if this was the right song for you. |
Technique: |
3 |
Intonation could improve. |
Interpretation: |
3 |
You did okay :) |
Production: |
3 |
Final Thoughts: |
12 |
You have a cute voice. Keep practicing and you'll do great things. |